Australian King Parrot











Parrot Physical Characteristics

Common Names

Australian king parrot, green-winged king parrot, eastern king parrot, Queensland king parrot, king lorie, and scarlet parrot

Scientific Name

Alisterus scapularis with two recognized subspecies: Alisterus scaplaris minor and A.scapcularis scapularis

Adult Size

16 and 18 inches in length


Red, Blue, Green, Dark gray

Top Speed


25 – 30 years




43 cm

Parrot Facts

Fun Fact

Estimated Population Size


Biggest Threat


Incubation Period

20 days

Litter Size



King-Parrots are usually found in rainforests or wet sclerophyll forests.



Eats fruits, flowers, berries, nuts, Eucalypt, Acacia and Angophora seeds, insect larvae, buds and other vegetation. A favourite is mistletoe Viscum album.



Number Of Species




Average Clutch Size


Nesting Location

usually located deep in a hollow in a tree and lined with decayed wood dust

Age of Molting

35 days


When it comes to avian wonders, the Australian King Parrot stands tall, both figuratively and literally. These vibrant and captivating birds are known for their stunning appearance, distinctive behaviors, and captivating personalities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the world of Australian King Parrot breed characteristics. From their appearance and habitat to their feeding habits and social interactions, we’ll cover it all. Whether you’re a bird enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply curious about these remarkable creatures, this article is your gateway to understanding the enchanting world of Australian King Parrots.

Australian King Parrot Breed Characteristics

Australian King Parrots are a species of parrot native to the eastern parts of Australia, including Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. Here’s a closer look at the captivating characteristics that make these birds so unique:

Vibrant Plumage That Commands Attention

The Australian King Parrot is renowned for its spectacular plumage. The males boast a striking combination of deep red and vibrant green feathers that create a stunning contrast against the lush greenery of their habitat. The females, while equally captivating, exhibit a more subdued palette of green and red. This exceptional plumage is not only visually arresting but also serves a purpose in the bird’s natural environment.

Majestic Size and Physical Features

With an average length of 14 to 17 inches, Australian King Parrots are considered medium to large parrots. Their robust build and strong beaks reflect their adaptation to a wide range of diets, which we’ll explore further in the feeding habits section.

Distinctive Crest and Elegant Features

One of the standout features of the Australian King Parrot is its elegant crest. This feathery crown adds an extra touch of regality to their appearance. When excited or curious, the crest becomes more pronounced, adding to their captivating charm.

Habitat Diversity and Geographic Distribution

These parrots have a versatile habitat range, adapting to both subtropical rainforests and open woodlands. Their distribution spans across eastern Australia, from Queensland’s tropical landscapes to Victoria’s cooler climates. This adaptability speaks to their resourcefulness and ability to thrive in various environments.

Curious and Social Nature

Australian King Parrots are known for their curious and social behaviors. They are often spotted in pairs or small groups, engaging in activities like feeding and exploring together. Their inquisitive nature makes them a delight to observe, as they fearlessly interact with their surroundings.

Melodious Calls That Echo Through the Canopies

While not as talkative as some other parrot species, Australian King Parrots have a melodious call that resonates through the forest canopies. Their calls vary, from soft and mellow whistles to louder, more vibrant tunes. These vocalizations play a crucial role in communication within their flocks.

Feeding Habits: Omnivores with a Varied Diet

Australian King Parrots are omnivores, meaning their diet is diverse and adaptable. They feed on a wide range of foods, including fruits, seeds, flowers, nectar, and insects. This flexibility in their diet is essential for their survival, allowing them to find sustenance year-round, regardless of seasonal changes.

Breeding and Nesting Behaviors

Breeding season for Australian King Parrots typically occurs during spring and summer. These parrots are cavity nesters, often choosing tree hollows or crevices in which to build their nests. The female lays eggs, and both parents take turns incubating them. Once the chicks hatch, both parents share the responsibilities of feeding and caring for the young.

Interaction with Humans and Conservation Efforts

The striking appearance and engaging behaviors of Australian King Parrots have captured the hearts of bird enthusiasts worldwide. However, their populations face challenges due to habitat loss and the pet trade. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure their continued existence in the wild. To enjoy these birds responsibly, birdwatching and preserving their natural habitats are encouraged.


Do Australian King Parrots make good pets?

While their captivating beauty might make them appealing as pets, Australian King Parrots are wild animals best admired in their natural habitats. In many places, it’s illegal to keep them as pets due to their protected status.

How can I attract Australian King Parrots to my backyard?

To attract these majestic birds, provide a variety of foods like seeds, fruits, and nectar. Setting up bird feeders and creating a bird-friendly environment with native plants can entice them to visit.

Are Australian King Parrots endangered?

While not currently classified as endangered, some populations are at risk due to habitat loss. Supporting conservation efforts and protecting their habitats are essential for their future.

Can Australian King Parrots mimic human speech?

No, Australian King Parrots are not known for mimicking speech like some other parrot species. Their calls are more melodic and song-like.

What’s the best way to observe these parrots in the wild?

Visit their natural habitats, such as rainforests and woodlands. Bring binoculars and maintain a respectful distance to avoid disturbing them.

How can I contribute to the conservation of Australian King Parrots?

You can contribute by supporting organizations dedicated to bird conservation, participating in habitat restoration projects, and raising awareness about the importance of preserving their natural habitats.

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