Blue and Yellow Macaw

Blue and Yellow Macaw











Parrot Physical Characteristics

Common Names

Blue and gold macaw, blue and yellow macaw

Scientific Name

Ara ararauna

Adult Size

33 inches from beak to tail feathers, wingspan can reach 40 inches or more, and they typically weigh over 2 pounds


Red, Blue, Green

Top Speed

15 Mph


50-60 years


1040-1286g (36.4-45 oz)


86 cm (33.5 in)

Parrot Facts

Fun Fact

Intelligent, can learn to speak and perform tricks, Gets along well with others (birds and humans), More affordable macaw species

Estimated Population Size


Biggest Threat

Still fairly common in much of range, however, less numerous at edges of range and declining with habitat loss in many peripheral areas. Has been subjected to very heavy trapping for trade (over 60,000 birds as of 2015).


Incubation Period

24-25 days

Litter Size


Occurs in wooded areas, usually near water, including edge of lowland humid forest, gallery forest in savanna, savanna with scattered trees and palms, swamp forest and palm swamp. Sometimes forages in open country. Up to 500m (1640 ft).



Soaked or sprouted sunflower seed; walnuts, peanuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, pine nuts; corn on the cob, banana, orange and other fruit. Complete kibble for macaws.



Number Of Species



Large range – E Panama and lowlands of South America to SE Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.

Average Clutch Size

2 to 4

Nesting Location

Age of Molting

90-100 days


The Blue and Yellow Macaw Parrot breed, known for its striking appearance and engaging personality, has captured the hearts of bird enthusiasts around the globe. With its brilliant blue and vivid yellow feathers, these parrots are a sight to behold. In this article, we delve into the comprehensive characteristics of the Blue and Yellow Macaw Parrot breed, shedding light on their appearance, behavior, care requirements, and more.

1. Blue and Yellow Macaw Parrot Breed Characteristics

The Blue and Yellow Macaw Parrot is a magnificent bird with distinct traits that set it apart from other parrot species. These characteristics include:


The hallmark of the Blue and Yellow Macaw is its vibrant plumage. Its upperparts are a brilliant blue, while the lower parts and underwings are a striking golden-yellow. The combination of these colors creates a stunning visual contrast that makes these parrots easily recognizable.


Blue and Yellow Macaws are considered one of the larger parrot species. On average, they measure around 30 to 34 inches (76 to 86 cm) in length, with their tail accounting for a significant portion of this measurement.


With proper care and attention, Blue and Yellow Macaw Parrots can live for several decades. These birds have been known to reach ages of 60 years or more in captivity, making them lifelong companions for dedicated pet owners.


Blue and Yellow Macaws are known for their loud and expressive calls. They use their voices to communicate with each other and their human companions. While their vocalizations can be noisy, they also showcase the parrots’ intelligence and social nature.

Social Nature:

These parrots thrive on social interaction. They form strong bonds with their human caregivers and enjoy being a part of the family. Blue and Yellow Macaws require mental stimulation and regular socialization to maintain their well-being.

Playful Demeanor:

One of the most endearing traits of Blue and Yellow Macaws is their playful behavior. They enjoy engaging in various activities, such as playing with toys, exploring their environment, and even learning simple tricks.

2. Habitat and Natural Range

Blue and Yellow Macaws are native to the tropical rainforests of South America. Their natural range extends from Venezuela and Colombia to Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. These parrots thrive in lush, forested environments where they can find an abundance of fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Conservation Status:

Unfortunately, the Blue and Yellow Macaw population faces threats from habitat loss and illegal pet trade. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these magnificent birds and ensure their survival in the wild.

3. Care and Housing

Providing proper care for Blue and Yellow Macaws requires careful consideration of their needs:

Cage Size:

Due to their large size, these parrots require spacious cages that allow them to stretch their wings and move freely. A minimum cage size of 3 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet is recommended.


A well-balanced diet is essential for the health of Blue and Yellow Macaws. Their diet should consist of high-quality commercial parrot pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional nuts.


To keep these intelligent birds mentally stimulated, provide a variety of toys, puzzles, and activities. Regular interaction and out-of-cage time are also important for their overall well-being.


The Blue and Yellow Macaw Parrot breed is a captivating blend of vibrant colors and charming personality traits. From their stunning appearance to their playful nature, these parrots have captured the hearts of bird enthusiasts worldwide. By understanding their characteristics, habitat, and care requirements, you can provide these magnificent birds with the love and care they deserve.


Are Blue and Yellow Macaw Parrots good pets for families?

Absolutely! Their social nature and playful demeanor make them wonderful companions for families. However, their large size requires dedicated space and proper care.

Can Blue and Yellow Macaws mimic human speech?

Yes, these parrots are known for their ability to mimic human speech and various sounds. With patience and training, they can develop an impressive vocabulary.

How can I ensure my Blue and Yellow Macaw’s happiness?

Regular interaction, mental stimulation, a balanced diet, and a spacious cage are essential for their well-being. Engaging in activities like puzzle-solving and flying (if possible) can contribute to their happiness.

Do Blue and Yellow Macaws require specialized veterinary care?

Yes, it’s recommended to find a veterinarian with avian expertise for regular check-ups and health assessments. Preventive care is key to detecting any potential health issues early.

Are Blue and Yellow Macaws endangered?

While not currently classified as endangered, these parrots are listed as near-threatened due to habitat loss and the illegal pet trade. Conservation efforts are vital to protect their future.

How can I bond with my Blue and Yellow Macaw?

Spending quality time with your parrot, engaging in interactive play, and using positive reinforcement techniques can help build a strong bond based on trust and companionship.

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