Bohemian Shepherd

Breed Information


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Bohemian Shepherd

Other names

Chodský pes, Czech Sheepdog, Bohemian Herder, Chodenhund


Czech Republic

Breed Group






Life Span

10-13 years








19-22 inches (48-56 cm)


33-55 pounds (16-25 kg)


Black & Tan

Litter Size

4-6 puppies

Puppy Prices

Average $2000 – $2500 USD

Bohemian Shepherds are usually found in the Czech Republic and aren’t common in the United States. If you’re looking for a Bohemian Shepherd puppy, it’s quite likely you will have to bring one in from the Czech Republic, which will be pretty expensive, but we weren’t able to find any puppies for sale at this time. An estimate could run you probably over $2,000 USD.

Bohemian Shepherd dog breed

Disclaimer: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, dogs are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.

Breed Characteristics



Apartment Friendly


The Bohemian Shepherd can live both inside and outside, however it needs contact with people to be happy. It is very people-oriented and will not be happy isolated from human contact.

Barking Tendencies



Cat Friendly


Child Friendly


Good with Kids: This is a suitable breed for kids and is known to be playful, energetic, and affectionate around them. It is also very friendly toward other pets.

Dog Friendly


Exercise Needs


The Bohemian Shepherd love strenuous activity, preferably combined with training of some kind, for these dogs are very intelligent and crave a good challenge. They need to be taken on a long daily walk.



Low maintenance, despite the long hair. Normal shedding in the summer, of course, as would be expected with any other shepherd type.

Health Issues


Hypoallergenic: No



Ranking: (N/A) Full Ranking List



Shedding Level


Moderate Shedding: Routine brushing will help. Be prepared to vacuum often!

Stranger Friendly




Moderately Easy Training: Training won’t require too much attention and effort, though it won’t be easier than other breeds. Expect results to come gradually.

Watchdog Ability


Bohemian Shepherd Dog Breed Characteristics

The Bohemian Shepherd dog, also known as the Chodsky pes or the Bohemian Sheepdog, is a breed with a rich history and unique personality. This medium-sized herding breed originated in the Chodsko area between Bohemia and Moravia, now part of the Czech Republic. With their alert expression, upright ears, and plumed tail, the Bohemian Shepherd dog has an unmistakable and majestic appearance. But don’t let their regal looks fool you – this breed is lively, mischievous, and always up for adventure. Read on to learn more about the origins, characteristics, and care of the Bohemian Shepherd dog breed.

Origins of the Bohemian Shepherd Dog

The Bohemian Shepherd dog breed dates back to the 14th-15th centuries in Bohemia, an area now known as the Czech Republic. Their ancestors were Hungarian sheepdogs that came to Bohemia with shepherds. Over the centuries, these dogs were further developed in the Chodsko area into the breed we know today.

Some key facts about the history of the Bohemian Shepherd dog:

  • Native region: Bohemia, now the Czech Republic
  • Originated as: Sheepdog and herding dog
  • Ancestry: Related to Hungarian sheepdogs
  • Recognized as a breed since: 1955

The remoteness of the Chodsko area allowed the Bohemian Shepherd to stay relatively pure from crossbreeding. They were popular among peasants and shepherds for their versatility, intellect, and loyalty. While the Bohemian Shepherd nearly went extinct after WWII, dedicated breeders worked to revive the population and standardize the breed.

Today, the Bohemian Shepherd continues to be the national dog breed of the Czech Republic. Their intelligence, work ethic, and distinctive appearance are treasured.

Vital Statistics of the Breed

The Bohemian Shepherd is a medium-sized breed, though they appear more impressive due to their thick double coat. Here are some key physical features of the breed:

  • Height: 20-22 inches (male), 18-20 inches (female)
  • Weight: 55-66 pounds (male), 44-55 pounds (female)
  • Coat: Double coat of straight, harsh outer hairs and soft, dense undercoat
  • Color: Black or tan with white markings
  • Ears: Large, upright, pointed ears
  • Tail: Long, plumed tail

Their double coat and hardy build allows the Bohemian Shepherd to thrive in cold, mountainous climates. The weather-resistant coat comes in black or tan variations, sometimes with white markings on the chest and feet. Bohemian Shepherds have a distinguished, wedge-shaped head with almond-shaped eyes. Their ears stand erect, complementing their alert and watchful nature.

Temperament of Bohemian Shepherd Dogs

The typical Bohemian Shepherd temperament is best described as:

  • Alert
  • Intelligent
  • Loyal
  • Active
  • Protective
  • Mischievous

The Bohemian Shepherd is a natural watch dog, always alert and observant of their surroundings. They are highly intelligent and pick up on commands and routines quickly. Their loyal and protective nature makes them devoted to their family.

These dogs thrive when given plenty of daily activity and exercise. Without proper stimulation, their energy and mischievous nature can lead to unwanted behaviors like excessive barking, digging, or roaming. Bohemian Shepherds need a firm but positive owner who can provide consistent training and activity.

Despite their protective tendencies, Bohemian Shepherds are not usually aggressive without cause. They can be reserved with strangers but are rarely timid or nervous. Early socialization is important to prevent any wariness. With their family, the Bohemian Shepherd is playful, lively, and constantly underfoot!

Grooming Needs

The Bohemian Shepherd has a stunning double coat that requires regular upkeep:

  • Brush: Daily brushing is ideal, 2-3 times per week minimum
  • Bathe: Only when dirty, over-bathing damages coat oils
  • Shedding: Heavy seasonal shedding 2-3 times per year
  • Trim: Optional light trimming of featherings for neatness

Bohemian Shepherds are heavy shedders during seasonal changes in the spring and fall. Daily brushing can minimize loose hairs around the home. Use a slicker brush to remove dead hairs from the topcoat. A grooming rake helps pull out the dense undercoat several times per week.

Bathe the Bohemian Shepherd only when dirty to preserve the natural oils in their coat. Their nail, ears, and teeth also need regular care and checking. Take care not to over-trim the featherings on the legs, tail, and ears for the breed standard look.

Health and Care

Luckily, the Bohemian Shepherd is a naturally healthy and hardy breed. However, there are some conditions owners should be aware of:

  • Joint dysplasia: Elbow and hip, test breeding dogs
  • Allergies: Skin allergies are common
  • Bloat: Risk is reduced by proper feeding and exercise

Reputable breeders will screen their breeding Bohemian Shepherds for joint dysplasia to reduce chances of this painful inherited condition. Food allergies and skin irritations are common – a high-quality diet and supplements can help.

Like all deep-chested dogs, the Bohemian Shepherd is at risk of deadly bloat. Prevent bloat by avoiding exercise for 1 hour before and after eating, splitting meals into smaller portions, and discouraging rapid eating or drinking.

With proper care, exercise, and training, the healthy Bohemian Shepherd will thrive for 10-14 years. Their needs for mental stimulation, activity, and togetherness make them best suited for active owners and families. Their alertness and intellect also allow them to excel in canine sports, obedience, and other jobs.

Nutrition and Feeding

The Bohemian Shepherd should be fed a high-quality commercial or home-prepared diet formulated for medium to large breed dogs. Here are some nutrition guidelines:

  • Calories: 1200-1500 calories per day
  • Protein: 25-27% of diet
  • Fat: 12-15% of diet
  • Carbs: Balance of diet after protein and fat

Two or three meals spaced throughout the day helps prevent bloat in deep-chested dogs like the Bohemian Shepherd. Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 1 hour before and after eating.

These active dogs need a diet with ample animal-sourced protein for muscle maintenance. Meat, fish, eggs, and dairy should make up the bulk of the diet. Limited carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can provide energy and nutrients.

Treats should make up no more than 10% of daily calories to prevent obesity. Measure out daily rations and track weight regularly. The Bohemian Shepherd can become overweight easily on excess treats or free feeding.

Exercise Needs

The Bohemian Shepherd has high exercise needs each day. Plan on providing:

  • 60-90 minutes of vigorous activity like running, hiking, swimming.
  • 30 minutes of mental stimulation through training, puzzle toys, sheep herding.
  • Access to a yard for play and patrolling.

Young Bohemian Shepherds especially need plenty of active play and structured exercise to prevent rowdiness. Bohemian Shepherds excel at canine sports like agility, flyball, dock diving, and obedience competitions.

Mental exercise is just as important as physical activity. Food puzzle toys, command training, and sheep herding trials allow the intelligent Bohemian Shepherd to use their keen mind.

Remember to provide adequate rest after vigorous exercise. Do not exercise right before or after eating to prevent bloat risk. Bohemian Shepherds become destructive and vocal if their needs for activity are not fulfilled.

Training Tips for Bohemian Shepherd Dogs

The Bohemian Shepherd is highly trainable, but their independent thinking requires a dedicated trainer. Here are some top training tips:

Start training early and be consistent. Bohemian Shepherd puppies are curious and energetic. Early socialization and structured training helps them become a canine good citizen.

Use positive reinforcement. This breed responds best to rewards-based training like praise, play, or treats. Avoid punishment or harsh corrections.

Provide mental stimulation. Advanced obedience, agility classes, or herding work satisfies the Bohemian Shepherd’s quick mind.

Establish leadership calmly. Bohemian Shepherds will test boundaries. Remain firm, patient, and consistent in your leadership and they will respect you.

Discourage nuisance behaviors. Untrained Bohemian Shepherds may develop barking, digging, roaming, or herding other pets. Redirect these unwanted behaviors.

Avoid over-exercising before training. The Bohemian Shepherd may become too excited and unfocused if vigorously exercised right before a training session.

The Bohemian Shepherd takes well to training a job or canine sport. Their intelligence enables them to excel in obedience, agility, tracking, and of course, herding work. Many Bohemian Shepherds still happily work sheep and farms today.

Finding a Bohemian Shepherd Puppy

The Bohemian Shepherd is an uncommon breed outside of the Czech Republic, but reputable breeders can be found. Here’s what to look for:

  • Registered with kennel clubs: AKC, UKC, or breed-specific clubs.
  • Health screens breeding dogs for joint issues, eyes, thyroid.
  • Proves temperament through titles, evaluations, or work.
  • Ask about parent dogs’ health and temperament.
  • Offers health guarantee and take-back agreement.
  • Clean facilities and responsible breeding practices. No puppy mills.
  • Prices range from $800-$2000 USD for pet/companion dogs.

Be very wary of breeders who don’t ask you questions or charge less than $800 per pup. Visit the breeder facility in person whenever possible.

Or consider adopting a Bohemian Shepherd through a breed-specific rescue organization! Adopted adults are already temperament tested.

Is the Bohemian Shepherd Dog the Right Breed for You?

The loyal and plucky Bohemian Shepherd needs:

  • Active owners or families to provide vigorous daily exercise
  • A securely fenced yard to patrol and play
  • Consistent, positive training – they are quick learners
  • Time and dedication to grooming needs
  • Stimulating toys and activities to engage their minds
  • Families willing to welcome their desire to be underfoot indoors!
  • Owners aware of their heavy seasonal shedding
  • Families without other small pets they may try herding

The Bohemian Shepherd bonds deeply with their family and aims to please. They thrive when given plenty of activity, attention, training, and love. With their bold and mischievous spirit, no two days are ever alike with the Bohemian Shepherd around!


Are Bohemian Shepherds good family dogs?

Yes! The Bohemian Shepherd forms a close bond with all members of their family. They are intensely loyal and aim to please. With enough exercise and training, they do great with children and thrive as part of an active family. Proper supervision is always advised with any breed around very small children.

What health issues are common in the Bohemian Shepherd breed?

Bohemian Shepherds are generally healthy, but prone to a few conditions. Hip and elbow dysplasia are potential inherited issues that reputable breeders will screen for. Food allergies and skin irritations are also frequently seen. Like all deep-chested breeds, they are also at risk for deadly bloat.

Do Bohemian Shepherds bark a lot?

Bohemian Shepherds do have a tendency to bark more than other breeds. As natural watchdogs, they will vocally announce any perceived danger or intrusion. They may also bark from boredom, stress, or excess energy if their needs are not met. Proper training and exercise reduces nuisance barking behaviors.

How often should a Bohemian Shepherd be groomed?

Due to their thick double coat, Bohemian Shepherds require frequent grooming. Plan to brush the coat thoroughly 2-3 times per week as a minimum. Daily brushing is better during peak shedding seasons. Bathing should only be done when absolutely needed. Their featherings and nails may need occasional trimming as well.

What type of exercise does the Bohemian Shepherd need?

Bohemian Shepherds need 60-90 minutes of vigorous activity daily, like running, hiking, fetch, or swimming. They also need mental stimulation through interactive toys, training, or a job like herding. A securely fenced yard is recommended – they should not be left to exercise themselves. The Bohemian Shepherd excels at dog sports too!

Are Bohemian Shepherds good with other pets?

Bohemian Shepherds can be socialized to accept other household pets, especially if raised together from puppyhood. Their strong herding instincts mean they may try to “herd” other pets at first. Cats or other small pets could be viewed as prey. With training and supervision, Bohemian Shepherds can coexist peacefully with other animals.


For an active owner seeking a loyal companion, the Bohemian Shepherd dog has much to offer. Their majestic yet mischievous nature guarantees a lively household. With ample exercise, training, affection and careful grooming, the Bohemian Shepherd will return devotion tenfold and bring joy to every day. This beautiful breed remains a living piece of Czech history and has many special qualities for the right owner. Despite some challenging traits, the Bohemian Shepherd ultimately aims to please their family. By understanding their needs for activity, grooming, and training, this magnificent breed can thrive in the right home.

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