Lionhead Rabbit

DisclaimerWhile the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, Rabbits are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.

Rabbit Factbox


Lionhead Rabbit


3 1/2 pounds / small


4-7 years


Calm / friendly



Costs of owning

$750.00 per year

Ownership Level

intermediate / advanced

Breed Classification


Additional standard items

Looks like a lion, prone to wool-block

Lionhead Rabbit Standard per ARBA

  • TYPE: compact, short, and well-rounded, having deep shoulders, with hindquarters of slightly less depth. Legs are to be medium length & bone, & well-balanced to body.
  • WEIGHT: Seniors (6+ months of age) at 3 ¾ pounds (1.587kg); juniors (under 6 months) are not to weigh over 3 ½ pounds (1.587kg). Minimum weight is 1 pound 10 ounces.
  • HEAD: bold, wide, and slight roundness between the eyes, but not round from all directions. The muzzle is to be well-filled. The head is to carry a high with no visibility of neck. Eyes should be bright and bold, and match described color per that variety.
  • EARS: erect and well set, but not necessarily touching; when relaxed ears will be carried in a slight “V” shape. They should be well-furred, balanced, and rounded at tips, with heavy wool more than halfway up the ear length.
  • FUR & WOOL: (*transition: significantly shorter wool on hip or face) … The mane wool is to be strong, medium density of soft, textured, and have crimping. Softer wool on Jr’s is allowed. Guard hairs may be present. The wool length must be at least 2 inches (5.08cm) and form a full circle around the head, which may extend into a “V” at the back of the neck. The density should heavy, with fur that is full and thick enough to make the mane stand out, full and prominent. The mane may form a wood cap across the brow. Below the cap may have transition wool up to 1 inch (2.54cm). The cheeks extending into the whisker area may be heavily trimmed; the side trimmings and chest wool may be longer.
  • COAT: roll-back, yet is soft, dense, medium length, and shiny. The saddle must be clean of wool. Transition wool is allowed on the flanks.
  • CONDITION: firm, well-muscled
  • COLOR: *note- wool areas may be diffused in color
    REW – pure white with pink eyes
    TORT – (black, blue, chocolate, or lilac) Black and Chocolates are to have brown eyes. Blue and Lilacs are to have blue-grey eyes. The Chocolates with a ruby cast to their eyes is permissible.
    OTHER – Bi and Tri-colors, Black Otter, Blue, Blue Otter, Chestnut, Chinchilla, Chocolate, Fawn, Frosted Pearl, Golden, Lilac, Opal, Orange, Red, Siamese Sable, Smoke Pearl, Sable Point, Squirrel, Sable Martin, and Tan
  • SHOW POINTS: Awarded most for fur, followed by type, then condition ~ with a combined total of 100 points being possible

Lionhead Rabbit Standard per BRC

  • TYPE: short, cobby, firm, well-rounded body, shoulders and chest broad and well-filled, with deep shoulders balanced to hindquarters which are also deep and broad.
  • WEIGHT: 1.36kg (3lb) – 1.7kg (3lb 12oz)
  • HEAD: broad with good width between eyes and well developed muzzle; head should be attached to body with no neck visibility.
  • EARS: not to exceed 3.5in (8.89cm) long & balanced to body size, erect, and not necessarily touching, thick and well-furred, & slightly round tips. When relaxed, ears should carry a slight “V” shape.
  • EYES: bold and bright, colors matching varieties; whites may have red or blue eyes
  • MANE / BIB: The mane will form a complete circle of fur that is longer, between 5 – 7cm (2-3inches) in length & medium soft; guard hairs may be visible but not create coarse, forming a “V” at the back of the neck, blending into a fringe around the head. Fur on chest is to form a ‘bib’ and very dense. The mane may form a cap across the brow to increase prominence of the mane. The longer fur on the cheeks should mix into the whisker area, but not the middle of the foreface; below the eye line should not have long fur.
  • COAT: dense, roll-back, medium length, and saddle should be free of longer fur; extended fur at the flank line (aka “skirt”), going down the length of the rabbit’s body that starts at shoulder and goes down to tail, extending into the groin. When skirt is lifted, a normal short coat should be seen. The skirt should not cover the entire sides, and should not touch the saddle on Jr’s; it may be thicker on adults, but is to have signs of this clearing on the saddle, showing a clear distinction between the back top and skirt development.
  • COLOR: all colors as long as they conform to a recognized color and pattern
  • CONDITION: very healthy, vigorous, and clean, particularly on feet, ears, and groin areas. There is to be no knots or matting around the mane, bib, and skirt.
  • SHOW POINTS: Awarded mostly to mane/bib, type and coat, followed by colour and condition ~with a combined total of 100 points being possible

Lionhead Rabbit Breed Characteristics have taken the pet world by storm with their distinctive appearance and charming personality. As the name suggests, these rabbits possess a striking mane of fur around their head, resembling a lion’s mane. Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or considering bringing a new furry friend into your life, understanding the distinct qualities of Lionhead Rabbits is essential. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Lionhead Rabbit Breed Characteristics, covering their appearance, care, behavior, and more.

Lionhead Rabbit Breed Characteristics

Lionhead Rabbits are known for their small size and unique coat. Their most prominent feature is, of course, the lion-like mane of fur that frames their face, giving them a regal and captivating appearance. The mane comes in various lengths, colors, and textures, making each Lionhead Rabbit truly one-of-a-kind. Their compact body is supported by short legs, making them an ideal choice for indoor living.

Their charming appearance is matched by their affectionate nature. Lionhead Rabbits are known for their friendly disposition and their ability to bond closely with their human companions. Their intelligence allows them to be trained for simple commands, and they often enjoy interactive playtime.

Lionhead Rabbit Breed Characteristics: A Closer Look

Size and Weight

Lionhead Rabbits are considered small-sized rabbits. On average, they weigh between 2 to 3 pounds, with males tending to be slightly larger than females. Despite their small stature, their striking mane gives them an elegant presence.

Coat Varieties

The Lionhead Rabbit’s coat is truly a masterpiece of nature’s diversity. These rabbits exhibit a range of coat types, including single-maned and double-maned varieties. The single-maned Lionheads have a distinct mane around their head, while the double-maned ones showcase a more luxurious and abundant fur growth extending down their back.

Color Palette

Their fur comes in a wide array of colors, from pure white and soft tan to rich chocolate and striking black. This broad spectrum of colors adds to the visual appeal of Lionhead Rabbits, allowing potential owners to choose a rabbit that matches their preferences.

Energetic Personality

Lionhead Rabbits are known for their lively and energetic demeanor. They love to hop around and explore their environment. This playful behavior makes them an excellent choice for families with children, as they can provide hours of entertainment and companionship.

Grooming Needs

Due to their unique mane and dense fur, Lionhead Rabbits require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and mat-free. Brushing their fur a few times a week can help prevent tangles and keep their mane looking majestic. Additionally, their nails should be trimmed regularly to ensure their comfort.

Lionhead Rabbit Care: Tips for Happy and Healthy Companions


Provide a spacious and comfortable enclosure for your Lionhead Rabbit. A hutch with ample space for hopping, a hiding spot, and a cozy resting area is ideal. Additionally, supervised indoor playtime can provide mental stimulation and exercise.


A balanced diet is crucial for the well-being of your Lionhead Rabbit. High-quality hay should make up the majority of their diet, along with fresh vegetables and a limited amount of pellets. Ensure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times.


Lionhead Rabbits are social creatures that thrive on interaction. Spend quality time with your rabbit daily, engaging in gentle petting and play. Socialization not only strengthens your bond but also prevents feelings of loneliness.

Health Monitoring

Regularly monitor your rabbit’s health by checking for any signs of illness or discomfort. Keep an eye out for changes in eating habits, fur quality, and behavior. If you notice anything unusual, consult a veterinarian experienced with small animals.

Litter Training

Lionhead Rabbits can be litter trained, making them suitable indoor companions. Place a litter box in their enclosure and reward them for using it. Consistency and patience are key to successful litter training.


In conclusion, Lionhead Rabbit Breed Characteristics encompass a blend of unique physical traits and endearing personality traits that make them a truly exceptional pet choice. Their captivating appearance, affectionate nature, and relatively low-maintenance care requirements contribute to their popularity among rabbit enthusiasts. By understanding their distinctive features and providing them with the care they deserve, you can enjoy a rewarding companionship with these delightful creatures.


Do Lionhead Rabbits require any special grooming due to their mane?

Yes, their distinctive mane requires regular brushing to prevent tangles and maintain its appearance.

Can Lionhead Rabbits be kept outdoors?

While they can be kept outdoors in suitable climates, they are better suited for indoor living due to their small size and dense fur.

Are Lionhead Rabbits good with children?

Yes, their playful nature and small size make them great companions for gentle and supervised interactions with children.

How often should I trim my Lionhead Rabbit’s nails?

Trim their nails every 4-6 weeks to ensure their comfort and prevent overgrowth.

Are Lionhead Rabbits prone to any specific health issues?

While generally healthy, they can be prone to dental issues due to their unique jaw structure. Regular check-ups with a rabbit-savvy veterinarian are essential.

What is the average lifespan of a Lionhead Rabbit?

With proper care, Lionhead Rabbits can live around 7 to 10 years, similar to many other small rabbit breeds.

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